What a brilliant Christmas we have all had, Mummy, Grannie and us. We have had so much fun this holiday and spent some great days with our Grannie who sadly has gone back to the UK.

First we had the first week when Grannie came out to see us and in that week we went to the cinema for the first time and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks, Mummy said she hasnt had that much fun for years, you can tell how sad her life is now!!!! Then we went to the beach in Anyer and LOVED it. We are total beach guys and just loved the waves. We gave Mummy and Grannie heart attacks as we were so confident in the water but we just loved the waves and going under the water and swimming with Uncle Wise. We visited the Playground, the Fun World in Terreskota, the zoo and of course Santa visited us and brought us our blue scooters that we had asked for at the beginning of Christmas. Grannie left on Tuesday and we miss her already BUT we have now moved into her room and her bed as we are very nearly 3 YEARS OLD. Grannie left some money for Mummy for our birthday presents and Mummy went and bought us our very own TV and DVD player and loads of DVDs so we can watch whatever we like. Mummy keeps telling us how lucky we are and we know we are. To think of what our little lives would have been like if we hadn’t been lucky enough to leave our orphanage in Addis Ababa doesn’t even bear thinking about and we are ( well Mummy is ) just so so so grateful we all found each other. We are off to the safari tomorrow, ( the fun just never stops in this household!!!) and then it is just the weekend left before we go back to school. AJ has his birthday on Wednesday and TJ has his next month, so the partying just goes on and on.

What a great holiday, love Aj and Tj xxxxxxxx

Welcome to Friday Spinners

A group of dedicated teachers who come along every Friday afternoon after a long week at school to work out as hard as they want to on bikes that go nowhere.

Getting ready to go

and feeling goodNot a camera, phone or computer in sightWorking for over 30 minutes, warming up, pedaling, climbing and then cooling down, it is an excellent workout. There have now been 2 sessions where the class has been full and I have had to turn away friends. If only there were more days in the week to start up another class. Thank you to all of you for coming along to these classes, I love taking them and no matter how hard the week has been, in those 30 minutes I forget everything, work my butt off and totally get a buzz out of the class.


I wanted to share with you the ENORMOUS STEEP learning curve I have just been through in the last 6 weeks through this 101 computer course. At the beginning of October I along with a huge group of people arrived at Jabiz’s classroom all set to go on this 101 computer course for blogging, feeling excited and raring to go. Didn’t really know what blogging was and certainly didn’t know what 101 was all about. Nervous but excited I got rid of my class on time and walked over to the building to find his room, struggled with that bit!! Arrived at his clasroom, sat next to Lindsay ( a mistake in itself) and waited for the course to begin. The first TWO instructions resulted in me and Lindsay looking at each other in horror as we didn’t even know what to do with these TWO simple instructions,

Log on to MSHS network and Open up your gmail

Already stumped we took a bit of time to even do that by which time Jabiz had raced on with terminology I had no idea about. We sat there for an hour and a half and although I admit I am not particularly well read, would prefer being in the gym to reading a book, I still went to uni, I still have a degree and a post grad and I have enough intelligence to get me through life.After just 10 minutes in the class you wouldnt have thought I had even finished school!!! He talked about..pages, blogs, Rss, categories, creative commons, tags, wordpress, flickr, hyperlinks. Now don’t get me wrong I know what each of those words mean independently but what the !!!!!!! do they mean in relationship to a 101 blogging workshop. No friggin idea!!!! Have to say I left that one an a half hour workshop, feeling;











And other feelings I simply couldn’t write down like ………off!!!!!! BUT I went home, had my favourite drink, wrote some emails to the IT people about my concerns, went into school the next day and was listened to and I did go back the following week. AND NOW 6 weeks later I stand here as a different person. A happier, more confident blogging woman who still has a huge journey in front of her but much happier. I now have 4 blogs, I do know what a page, a tag, an RSS, a category is in IT terms and I have started blogging both at home and in school. Admittedly my blogs aren’t like other peoples thought provoking arguments or off the wall statements, but they are very simple and most of them are about AJ and TJ and my latest one is about Santa visiting my boys, hardly intellectual but it is where I am, it is where I am in the blogging journey and it is something I can send to my Mum to show her what life Is like here, so it is working for me. I would like to thank Jabiz for his passion and although I admit I am not as passionate about it as he is, (he even did a bloody blog while he was suppose to be dying after a Spinning session), I have been convinced that I CAN use blogging and I am happy that I didn’t quit after that first session and persevered through the pain to begin my blogging journey.


Dear Santa

Love from AJ and TJ xxxx

Dear Santa

Mummy tells us you are soon to start your long long journey to see all the girls and boys around the world. Mummy also says he only comes to the little boys who have been good so we are trying like anything to be good.

On December 1st we are going to write to you and to ask you very nicely if you are able to bring us a scooter each.
All our love AJ and TJ

PS Mummy would just like a lie in if you could arrange that for her xxx

The Rock in my Life

This is the most special person in my life who has been there for me the whole of my being. She has been my support and is the reason I am who I am. Born to mix raced parents in the early 60s was never easy but with my Mum by my side I got through it to only look back on it and to think that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. And that is what Mum and I are….strong for being from the same family. She was particularly there through the 7 long emotional years of adoption and all that I am grateful for is that she is still here, enjoying our little family life and living our very special moments together with our 2 very special little boys.

I love you more than any words or blogging can ever say

Dear Santa

Love from AJ and TJ xxxx

Dear Santa

Mummy tells us you are soon to start your long long journey to see all the girls and boys around the world. Mummy also says he only comes to the little boys who have been good so we are trying like anything to be good.

On December 1st we are going to write to you and to ask you very nicely if you are able to bring us a scooter each.
All our love AJ and TJ

PS Mummy would just like a lie in if you could arrange that for her xxx

24 hours, full time teaching job, 2 little boys, single Mum and now BLOGGING. I found myself blogging today rather than going out to play with Aj and Tj and then blogging instead of sitting with them before going to bed for a cuddle. How do we make the time for everything in our lives????


What a successful return to the Spinning classes on Friday. There were so many people who turned up for the class that for the first time in my life there weren’t enough bikes. Great feeling for me as the instructor but sadly for 3 people I have to apologise for there not being enough bikes. Hopefully next week there will be enough.

The oldest Mum almost there ever was!!! Most people I know had their children youngish, but not being the one ever to follow the rules of society, I chose a different road. Having adopted my kids at a very old age I have to sit and often hear the young Mums say that they are so old, ( this is at 28 ), and they refer to their Mums as old ( at 50 ), while I just sit there and smile to myself quietly. This doesn’t make me stand out in a group but in my heart it makes me stand out for what I have achieved.

Ok Ok Ok, this is it, another blog on my second day, must be really getting into this techno stuff!!!! But alas not really, just wanted to look like I was getting into blogging!!! Which ( Jabiz, I am ) honestly. I am starting blogging for real in my class as of next Wednesday so will be either extremely happy by the end of next week that it has been a success or absolutely frazzled coz everything I do is not working. BUT either way, it doesn’t matter, we know it is a journey, we know we are learning and we know it is fun!!